We finish up are look back at STLV 2016 with this Supersized episode. Enjoy!
Ten Forward Episode 201 – STLV 50 Day 5
“So I finally finished my homework and edited the recording for Robert Reyes’ Day 5 recording. A couple of notes:
1. Many, many apologies to the people whose interviews had to be cut out of the final edit. There were severe technical difficulties and some of the recording just was not usable. If you were one of those who did not make it into the show, please contact me (@queenkatblue) so we can have you on the show to talk Trek.
2. In order for some of the interviews toward the end to make sense, I had to leave some glitches and static in the recording. Apologies, and hope these issues don’t distract from the fantastic interviews.
3. Speaking of fantastic interviews, Robert was able to speak with one or two celebrities, including a Trek actor.”